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Registrations are open for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, beginning

September 2023!


Spots are reserved on a first come first serve basis, so register early to ensure enrolment. All morning classes begin at 9:00 and end at 11:30. 


2.5 - 3 year-old registrations: Eligible for the 2 days per a week schedule. You have the option of Monday/Wednesday mornings, or Tuesday/Thursday mornings. Please select your first and second choice options.


2 days a week = $150/month


** if you believe your child would benefit from a four day a week schedule, but does not meet the age requirement, please contact me and we can discuss that option!


4-year-old registrations: If your child will be 4 years old, you have the choice to do the 2 days a week above schedule, or they can do four days a week, M/T/W/TH mornings. Please indicate your first and second choices on your forms.


4 days a week = $280/month




Now Open for the  current and upcoming School Year!


To request more information:

Sprouting Minds Montessori Preschool

Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm


You can also request more information with this form:

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