Hello, my name is Abbey Briltz. I am the owner, operator, and classroom teacher of Sprouting Minds Montessori Preschool. I have a passion and love for teaching. After graduating from the University of Regina with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education I began working for the Regina Catholic School Division as an elementary school substitute. Substituting was a great way for me to work part-time, while being a mother and still figuring out what grades I really wanted a career in teaching. I enjoyed my days most when I was with the younger grades and loved watching them explore and be so engaged in learning.I have always thrown the idea around about opening up my own daycare or preschool, but never exactly knew how or had a space.
I began researching my ideas once again and became very passionate and interested in the Montessori Preschools. I never fully understood the purpose or significance of the Montessori approach before, but after doing my research on Maria Montessori's methods she developed and her research on the way children learn between the ages of 3-6, I realized that my thoughts were very similar to hers. I enrolled in North American Montessori Center to earn my Montessori Early Childhood Education Diploma and become certified to teach Montessori preschool from NAMC.
I opened up Sprouting Minds Montessori Preschool in September 2017 and am in my sixth year of operation. Every year is better than the last and I appreciate all the families that have come and gone from my school. The continued support in the community is amazing.